Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Big Switch*

Friday, 2/5

8.30 AM: Wake up
10.00 AM: Reach office after a nice breakfast, armed with cut fruits and packed lunch
5.30 PM: Leave office, head for the office party at The Capitol
9.30 PM: Husband picks from The Capitol, brings back home.
10.30 PM: Watch TV, crash on the bed.

Monday, 2/8

7.00 AM: Wake up
7.30 AM: Prepare tiffin for Husband
8.30 AM: Wake up the child, give her milk.
9.00 AM: Prepare tiffin for child, log in the office network, drop a wfh email.
9.30 AM: Dress up the child, brush her teeth, fill her 'Barbie' water bottle, put tiffin, bottle, napkins in the 'Shinchan' bag and hand her over to the husband to be dropped to school. It is not as straight forward, she is watching 9XM and doesn't want to go to the montessori, neither does she finish her milk.. but we will ignore that.
10.00 AM: Check emails while helping husband with breakfast.
10.30 AM: Husband leaves, secure the door, Home Alone!
11.00 AM: Electricity goes off, internet goes off, VPN goes off.. Tidy the house, fold the blankets, pick toys off the floor.
11.30 AM: Sweep/mop the floor
12.00 AM: Take breakfast in top gear and leave to pick the child.
12.30 AM: Return with the child. Change her clothes, plonk her on the sofa with 9XM on if the electricity is back.
12.45 AM: Prepare lunch for child and self. Reconnect to VPN, and check emails again.
1.30 PM: Give bath to the child followed by commencement of the child's lunch.
2.00 PM: Feed child further.
2.30 PM: Continue feeding the child.
3.00 PM: Give up on the child. Struggle with her, and put her to bed.
3.30 PM: Finally, start the day's work. Electricity goes off by the time the VPN comes up. Curse, swear, abuse.
4.00 PM: Heat lunch on gas stove, using 2 more utensils in the process, which could have been saved if microwave/OTG could be used, i.e. electricity were available.
4.30 PM: Call husband/mother/aunt/MIL and crib
5.00 PM: Power is back. Once again, connect to the office network. Child bawls. Pick child and carry her around till her mood improves.
5.30 PM: Child is ready to play. 54,657 toys,jigsaw puzzles, building blocks and pieces there-of are again on the floor, bed, sofa, center table, everywhere!
5.45 PM: Make milk for the child, after duly washing the utensils required for the process. This includes 3 plastic cups, each holds 50 ml of milk and are used in the order Y-G-B-Y till the milk is exhausted.
6.00 PM: Nudge child to finish the 1st, i.e. yellow cup of milk. Apply for a leave from office, for today.
7.00 PM: Threaten the child, throw incentives, grovel before her, do anything and everything to ensure her milk is over.
7.30 PM: Scramble eggs, feed the child those.
8.30 PM: Husband returns, complain about the child's misbehaviour, shed copious tears and hand over the child to him along with the left over eggs.
8.45 PM: Start preparing dinner.
9.30 PM: Start feeding child again.
11.00 PM: Wash utensils, simultaneously put on the washing machine.
12.00 AM: Hang out clothes for drying.
12.30 AM: Apply ointment on the back, pop hurting legs on a pillow and pass out.

Yes.. the maid, our beloved Shaila has quit. Please send some prayers my way, and a woman for household chores, just in case you know of any. I am willing to part with one of my kidneys to return the favour.

*reality TV series on UTV Bindass.


lone wanderer said...

The best thing is "This includes 3 plastic cups, each holds 50 ml of milk and are used in the order Y-G-B-Y till the milk is exhausted." I really liked that :)

Violet said...

:) You wouldn't like that as much if you were me. I HATE the sight of those little cups.

Violet said...

On second thought, those cups might end up being most treasured once Pari grows out of them.. and years later, I might look at them very fondly and remember how my little girl took her milk :)

Bubble Catcher said...

Your description of day 2 sounds familiar.Wonder why:)?
I am so dependent on the MIL who looks after our little brat when I am away at work and I need to plan work well in advance when she needs to go out of town or attend weddings/functions etc.Can understand how much more difficult it is depending on hired help.Hope you found a good maid.

Violet said...

Bubble Catcher: I have found a maid who is just keep the house from falling apart. Still looking for full time help though. And hey.. thanks for dropping by!