Sunday, November 2, 2008

Can't sleep..

I am an early bird. Getting up a little late in the morning, which loosely translates into noon and post lunch afternoon siesta do nothing to spoil my routine. The fact remains that I grow very drowsy around 10 pm and come-what-may doze off by 10.30 pm. There are a few exceptions, my wedding for instance. I took the wedding vows at 4 in the morning, and you don't expect anybody to be attentive at that unheavenly hour. No wonder, I forgot most of them the next morning :P But tonight, it is different. I cannot sleep. I have witnessed what looks like the onset of grey hair, on my own head. And I am unable to get it off my head, quite literally :( The hair hanging off the edge of my forehead, scraping the arc of my left eyebrow look such light brown in colour. I actually have quite dark hair, bit too dark for my complexion. Now is it possible to have few hair in lighter shades of brown betraying your all black head? Or do hair start fading, losing color gradually as you age till some of them turn completely white to give you a grey head? Am I on my way to wisdom?? I really don't know.. and this confusion is enough to keep me awake through the night. But then, we often meet our destiny on the road we take to avoid it.. (it is plagiarized just in case you were beginning to appreciate my ability to coin adages), even if I do not have any grey hair already, I might get some by morning if I keep worrying about them all night. Good God off to sleep!


Abhishek Jain said...

So now you finally believe that the effects of being an uncle-auntie couple are finally catching up with you :P

Abhishek Jain said...
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Violet said...

What option do I have, being married to a man belonging to the 70's, sigh! Btw, did you create this profile just to comment on my posts? Initially, I thought it was him..

Abhishek Jain said...

yes, coz i forgot my aim password. So I had to create one. And it seems that all the user-ids in the world are already taken ..

Violet said...

See, it helps to have an uncommon name. Let me check if there are user id's available for pari.. else we will have to name her something like XY#3490UV :P

Unknown said...

:):):D Actually ROTFL... :):) And then you say you have things of higher importance to care about. :)

What amuses me the most is this I actually have quite dark hair, bit too dark for my complexion. Are we talking of blondes here? And you might not be blonde by complexion but this sentence does look like a blonde's :) People in India are much fairer with darker hair.

Be cool my lady, this is a sign of getting saner. And anyways you are a self-proclaimed auntie, and therefore, as you've observed quite a number of times, nobody observes you. :) So a brown strand should be of no worry at all. Also, someone recently talked about counting one's blessings. :)

Violet said...

I am really impressed by your sense of humor! The whole post was kind of light, written in jest, but you could enjoy only the part which was not intentionally a joke. I am sure you know it better than me, but my understanding is that is common to have light eyes, and light hair if you have light complexion. There are plenty of ppl with dark complexion and light hair, but I just talked about the more common variety. And light doesn't necessarily mean blonde, dark brown is also lighter than black. Anyways, I think you took it too seriously, hair doesn't fade and lose color this way.. so I really don't need to either worry or count my blessings.

Anonymous said...

so when is the next post coming up???????

Violet said...

Here it comes! And yes, thanks for dropping by :)